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牌号 ER2594
对应标准 AWS A5.9/A5.9M-2012
Specification for Bare Steel Welding Electrodes and Rods
归类 双相不锈钢
标签 不锈钢焊丝或焊条
ER2594 化学元素成分含量(%)
成分 C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Cu Mo N W
最小值 - - - - - 24 8 - 2.5 0.2 -
最大值 0.03 1 2.5 0.03 0.02 27 10.5 1.5 4.5 0.3 1
① Analysis shall be made for the elements for which specific values are shown in this table. If the presence of other elements is indicated in the course of this work, the amount of those elements shall be determined to ensure that their total, excluding iron, does not exceed 0.50%.
② In the designator for composite, stranded, and strip electrodes, the R shall be deleted. A designator C shall be for composite and stranded eletrodes and a designator Q shall be used for strip electrodes. For example, ERXXX designates a solid wire and EQXXX designates a strip electrode of the same general analysis, and the same UNS number. However, ECXXX designates a composite metal cored or stranded eletrode and may not have the same UNS number. Consult SAE HS-1086/ASTM DS-56, Metals and Alloys in the Unified Numbering System for the proper UNS number.
③ For special applications, electrodes and rods may be purchased with less than the specified silicon content
主营: 钴基合金 高温合金 耐蚀合金 精密软磁合金 蒙乃尔合金 英科洛伊合金 因科耐尔合金 奥氏体不锈钢 马氏体不锈钢 双相不锈钢 沉淀硬化不锈钢 特种合金钢 工模具钢 特殊铝材
联系人:唐先生   移动电话: 18016339698     电话:021-57620528 Email: 登陆后可见
主营: 特殊钢 不锈钢 铜合金 钛合金 高温合金 耐蚀合金 精密合金 耐热钢 镍基焊丝 模具钢
联系人:陈经理   移动电话: 18616886059     电话:021-33552688     微信号:18616886059 Email: 登陆后可见